The health and safety of our participants, staff, and our community is our first priority. We have developed our weekly Band of Brothers in-person meetups (and the overall program structure) based on the latest safety guidance from the Washington State Department of Health and the CDC.
Precautions listed below represent the latest guidelines from the Washington State Department of Health for our type of activity (Child Care & Youth Development) at the time of writing (Aug 2020). The document used for this planning and process can be viewed here. For the latest information on Washington State’s “Safe Start” Phases and re-opening as it relates to our activities please visit this link.
We also recognize that these guidelines can change quickly depending on the status of the virus in our state and country. We will only host offerings that we believe are safe for our community. If at any point it becomes clear that any of our program curriculum is not safe, we will either change or not facilitate those components.
List of Precautions we will be taking to keep both participants and staff safe:
- Health Screening: Mentors & Youth will complete a health screening each day at check-in, including temperature and symptom check, and must attest that they have not been exposed to anyone with COVID19.
- Groups: Boys will be organized into small ‘Band’ groups of no more than 10 youth for in-person meetups with up to two staff. In-person bands will remain consistent through the program duration.
- Masks: Mentors & Youth will be required to wear masks during all Journeymen in-person meetups with the exception of while eating and while outside at a distance of greater than 6ft apart.
- Outdoors & Social Distancing: Activities will take place outdoors as much as possible. Six-foot social distancing will be maintained indoors and outdoors whenever possible within each small group, and always when boys from different ‘Bands’ are together.
- Hygiene: Youth and mentors will be instructed in hygiene and illness prevention measures. We will have access to restrooms, handwashing, and hand sanitizer for in-person meetups.
- Cleaning: When using indoor spaces, only one group will be in a room together, and the room will be disinfected before another group uses that space. High-contact surfaces in shared bathrooms will be disinfected approximately every two hours. All shared supplies, equipment, and facilities will be disinfected between groups and at the end of each day.
- If Someone Gets Sick: Campers or staff who display illness symptoms will be sent home or asked to stay home. Families will be notified if a camper or staff in their child’s group gets sick, while maintaining privacy of the individual. A sick individual may not return to the program until they have met quarantine requirements or are cleared by a healthcare professional to return.