Michael Meade, D.H.L., is a renowned storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology. He combines hypnotic storytelling, street-savvy perceptiveness, and spellbinding interpretations of ancient myths with a deep knowledge of cross-cultural rituals. He has an unusual ability to distill and synthesize these disciplines, tapping into ancestral sources of wisdom and connecting them to the stories we are living today.
Meade is the founder of Mosaic Multicultural Foundation, a nonprofit network of artists, activists, and community builders that encourages greater understanding between diverse peoples, and has authored and edited several books on the topics of initiation, rites of passage, and the human condition.
With a deep mythic understanding of the patterns that drive our modern world and a degree of authenticity that allows him to create safe and transformative containers in even the most challenging environments, Michael speaks to the nature and significance of our work in a way that few people can. Knowing about his long history of impacting the lives of youth across the socioeconomic spectrum, and considering his role in advancing our modern understandings of rites of passage, the archetype of initiation, and the role of mentorship in healthy society, we were honored to hear of his willingness to lend his voice to Rite Ways, and we are excited to share our journey with you.
Key Points
During this audio adventure we touch on many topics that are vital to our work. In fact, it was so fruitful we had to break it up in to two parts. This first segment seems to dance within the greater theme of mentorship, with specific mentions of:
- Identifying the role of the mentor in a disintegrating culture
- The irony, coincidence and significance of our current political climate
- The crisis of over-protective parenting (and ensuing fear of mentoring)
- The radically efficient process by which fruitful mentoring relationships are established
- A practical strategy for working with gang populations
- And much, much more…